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Insurance Committee

Instructional Contract

Article XVIII, section 3. Insurance Committee

There will be an insurance committee to evaluate available coverage and make recommendations to the Board, including any bid specifications which may be needed.  Upon requires of the Board, the committee may also serve in a liaison capacity with the insurance carrier(s) and the Insurance Risk Management Department on matters of concern to teachers and other staff.  The committee will be appointed annually and composed of three teachers; one Education Support Professional; and either one currently employed bargaining unit member or one ACEA member who has retired from the district and maintained the district’s insurance into the district and maintained the district’s insurance into retirement selected by the Associaton; and the Board’s Risk Manager; three administrators; and one Professonal/Technical employee selected for appointment by the Superintentent.  Anyone filling an unexpired term will be appointed for the duration of the term.

In view of the rapid changes taking place in the insurance markets today, the insurance committee, in addition to the duties and responsibilities described above, will on an annual basis, before health provider contract renewal, review the coverages in place and discuss the adequacy of same.  Should changes that would be advantageous to the group become available during the course of the year, the committee whill endeavor to incorporate these changes into the plan.  In addition, the committee will develop a long-term plan that will consider issues of cost, availability and feasibility, as well as innovative and creative ideas.  Any recommended changes to the plans will be accompanied by a cost analysis report that will look at long-term consequences of making such a change.  Thereafter, a recommendation shall be forwarded to the Board.

The administration will be responsible for the initial investigating of claims problems experienced by employees.

Should the problem not be resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, the employee may request the assistance of the committee in resolving the claim.

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